
Mass Intentions

Contact Marie Nicely at email or (call/text) 260-710-2977. The donation can be given to her directly or put in an envelope with her name on it and placed in the collection basket

Contact the rectory to make arrangements.

The Toledo Diocese requests all dates be set at the rectory at least six months prior to the wedding. To make arrangements, including Engaged Couple Conferences, please contact Fr. Melwin.

Ministry of the Sick
Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass. Please call the rectory for Anointing of the Sick.

St. Isidore, Delaware Bend – Tues. 8:30am; Sat. 3:45pm
St. Isidore, Marysdale – Thursday, 8:30am
St. Michael’s Ridge – Wednesday 6:00pm

Welcome new Parishioners
If you are new to St. Isidore Parish, please call the rectory: 419-497-2161.